<li>What does this Talmudic quotation explain about the different values placed on people who grow their own food and those who buy their food? Do you agree?
<li>What is the significance of multiplying one law into three?</li>
<li>What do the three aspects of the law suggest about what Kashrut means?</li>
<li>Why do you think the blessings said after eating include references to the land of Israel, the redemption from Egyptian slavery, the circumcision covenant, and the Torah in addition to grati
<li>What is the instruction given in these verses, and what reason is given for it?</li>
<li>Some people think that food is just fuel for the body and that as long as it is healthy, all that is
<li>According to these Biblical verses, from where does our food come?</li>
<li>What is our responsibility to the sources of our food?</li>
<li>Our tradition teaches that at the beginning of t
<li>What kinds of activities does Newman think should ideally be part of a union?</li>
<li>Why do you think Newman believes workers in a union together should engage in these activities beyond
<li>What kind of aid did the union provide? Why?</li>
<li>Why do you think Sarah would give more money to someone who was inclined to scab?</li>
<li>Why do you think the stranger, widow and orphan are grouped together for special consideration for protection?</li>
<li>Why do you think a reason is given for not wronging a stranger, while
<li>Why would working class, urban, Jewish parents want their children to have a summer camp experience in the country?</li>
<li>What do you think was the intention of the Arbeter Ring camp in
<li>What does Sarah get out of being on strike?</li>
<li>What strikes you about the story of Sarah and her friend wearing the same skirt to walk the picket line?</li>
<li>Why do you think Sara
<li>What do you see in this image that might tell you something about what work life offered young urban girls in the early 20<sup>th</sup> century?</li>
<li>Does anything about this image surp