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Julia Métraux

Julia Métraux

Julia Métraux is a health and culture writer whose work has appeared in Narratively, Verywell, Bitch Media, Business Insider, Poynter, and others. You can follow her on Twitter at @metraux_julia and read more of her work at https://juliasmetraux.journoportfolio.com/

Blog Posts

Marissa Miller and book cover

Marissa Miller Says Being Weird Is Good

Julia Métraux

JWA talks to Marissa Miller, author of new book Pretty Weird.

Topics: Memoirs
Oil painting depicting the Brooklyn Bridge

On Survival: My Grandma and I Are Both High-Risk

Julia Métraux

My grandma has thrived despite the odds. I’m afraid she won’t survive this.

Topics: Family, Writing
Tik Tok

Is TikTok "Bad for the Jews"?

Julia Métraux

It should not be up to Jews to censor our own content to shield ourselves from antisemitic threats, but it is up to all of us to think carefully about the content we post.

Topics: Antisemitism, Media


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How to cite this page

Jewish Women's Archive. "Julia Métraux." (Viewed on August 18, 2024) <http://qa.jwa.org/blog/author/metraux-julia>.