Jillian M. Hinderliter

Jillian M. Hinderliter was born and raised in Northwestern Pennsylvania, but she has been wandering for a decade now. She is an alumna of Northeastern University in Boston, where she earned a BA in History with a minor in Jewish Studies in 2012. The following year, she completed an MA in Public History at Northeastern. She has worked for a number of museums and libraries including the Paul Revere House, the Rufus Porter Museum (Bridgton, Maine), and Trinity College Library (Hartford). Currently, Jillian is living in Columbia, South Carolina where she is a PhD candidate in History at the University of South Carolina. In 2019, she earned a graduate certificate in Women’s and Gender Studies at UofSC. In her spare time, Jillian curates her loose-leaf tea collection and watches far too much Masterpiece on PBS. You can connect with her on Twitter at @jmhinderliter.