Abigail Fisher

2016-2017 Rising Voices Fellow Abigail Fisher

Abigail Fisher is a rising Freshman at Wesleyan University. She was a 2017 Rising Voices Fellow, and part of the 2018 cohort of the Bronfman Youth Fellowship. She was recently named one of the Jewish Week’s 36 Under 36. In addition to receiving numerous Scholastic Arts Awards for creative writing, her work has appeared in Huffington Post, Lilith, and The Forward. In her free time, she enjoys performing in musicals.

Blog Posts

Still from "To Kill a Mockingbird," 1962

Sorkin's Reclaiming of a Feminist Classic

Abigail Fisher

Aaron Sorkin's To Kill a Mockingbird sanitizes the original novel's feminism.

Senator Jeff Klein

Dear Jeff Klein

Abigail Fisher

With the recent election of a president who has a deleterious agenda, I have grown to depend on my representation more and more. Votes against reckless healthcare plans and sweeping immigration legislation are not merely important, but vital. Now more than ever, our district deserves outspoken representatives who vote their conscience, and accurately represent the needs of their constituents. 

Stephanie Ives

Sometimes Your Mom’s Friends are Your Friends Too

Abigail Fisher

Stephanie grew up going to a single-sex Orthodox day school and later went to Stern College for Women, a partner with Yeshiva College. But knowing her today, you’d never be able to tell. Since then Stephanie has exploded into a Jewish feminist badass, and yet a lot remains the same. 

Disney's Zootopia

Zootopia: An Empowering, Feminist Tail

Abigail Fisher

Zootopia actively addresses the struggles associated with being a woman in a modern, though patriarchal, society. Let’s just say, this isn’t your grandmother’s Disney movie (but maybe she would like it). 

Topics: Feminism, Film
Ben Shapiro

Facts Sometimes Have Feelings

Abigail Fisher

“Torah Judaism does not support abortion, Torah Judaism does not support same-sex marriage,” right-wing pundit Ben Shapiro explained with a confident smirk to a cheering audience of Yeshiva University students. I expect it’s a lot easier to blindly subscribe to one binary view on what is seen as one of the most enigmatic documents in existence, rather than to actively engage with this foundational text, and question its claims. 

Drop of Water Causing a Ripple Effect

The Magnitude of Miriam Through Midrash

Abigail Fisher

For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled to make the Torah meaningful to me.  In first grade, the boys in my class had already found strong and charismatic role models in Moses, Aaron, Abraham, and countless others. I, and the other girls in my class, were left to search for leaders in soft-spoken and often overlooked sisters and mothers. 

Justine Wise Polier

Women Who Fight for Us

Abigail Fisher

In the late forties and early fifties, a time when many refused to listen to female voices, Polier made her voice heard. She was published in various legal journals and other opinion pieces, and never filtered her views so that others could digest them more easily. She didn’t mince words or walk on eggshells to sound more feminine. Her writing was unadulterated social criticism. 

Cartoon Image of a Girl Looking Embarrassed

Can I Ask You Something?

Abigail Fisher

For as long as I can remember, I’ve butted heads with Orthodox men. There was the time in third grade when I volunteered to sing the Torah trope, but was discouraged  by a boy in my class who said that “girls don’t actually read Torah at their bat mitzvahs.” In other words, why bother? Then in sixth grade, when all I wanted was to learn advanced Talmud,  I was met with a discrediting, “okay, Abigail, okay. We’ll see.” 

"Shelo Asani Isha" Blessing

The Oxymoron of Jewish Feminism

Abigail Fisher

I had fallen so deeply in love with Jewish text study that I neglected to see the many ways in which I was not represented in those texts. The tension became clear: How could I honor  a tradition that did not make space for me as a female? 

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Jewish Women's Archive. "Abigail Fisher." (Viewed on March 18, 2025) <http://qa.jwa.org/blog/author/abigail-fisher>.