A Letter from Molly Picon to her Mother from Paris, August 23, Part 2 of 3
A letter from Molly Picon to her mother from Paris, dated August 23.
Part 1 and part 3.
The text of the letter reads as follows:
...on boards balanced on chairs, without a piano - without lights - in theaters that had no curtains or scenery of any kind - in the most primitive conditions - but always to a most exciting audience that covered us with flowers and applause and greatfulness [sic]! Every Jew that heard went away feeling life was still worth living. They told us that - They said we often wondered why we still go on living - After hearing and seeing you - we have the answer. It was worth going thru everything to live to hear you again.
Now that it's over and we-re back safely in charming Paris again - now we feel thankful that we had the courage to undertake the trip. We feel we did a great work as Yonkel said - if we had never done anything only this tour of Poland at this time - we deserve Gilem Habeh! But he'll have to tell you about it! It's too much to get down on paper at one sitting-
Our plans now are to rest for a week then we're scheduled to do two concerts...
Courtesy of the American Jewish Historical Society.