A Letter from Molly Picon to her Mother from Paris, August 23

A Letter from Molly Picon to her Mother from Paris, August 23, Part 1 of 3

A letter from Molly Picon to her mother from Paris, dated August 23.

Part 2 and part 3.
The text of the letter reads as follows:
August 23 -46
Paris -

Dear Mumsy-
To-day we got half a dozen letters from home and your last letter saying you were glad we weren't going to Poland and we just returned from there! We wrote you we weren't going so you wouldn't worry because we know the papers have been writing about anti semitic riots and murders there - but we felt, Yonkel and I, that our real job was just in Poland, especially after the terrible pogrom in Kelz - We felt we would have been deserters not to go where our people needed us most. So we went mamma and to tell you what our coming meant to those people would need a year - we were in Poland 21 days - had 19 appearances and every minute was thrilling -

We worked very hard - living conditions are beyond description - we didn't have a bath in three weeks - we slept on a collection of mattresses that defy defining - we traveled in open trucks after a show - all perspired and hot with the rain pouring down on us - we sung in barracks...
Courtesy of the American Jewish Historical Society.

A Letter from Molly Picon to her Mother from Paris, August 23, Part 2 of 3

A letter from Molly Picon to her mother from Paris, dated August 23.

Part 1 and part 3.
The text of the letter reads as follows:
...on boards balanced on chairs, without a piano - without lights - in theaters that had no curtains or scenery of any kind - in the most primitive conditions - but always to a most exciting audience that covered us with flowers and applause and greatfulness [sic]! Every Jew that heard went away feeling life was still worth living. They told us that - They said we often wondered why we still go on living - After hearing and seeing you - we have the answer. It was worth going thru everything to live to hear you again.

Now that it's over and we-re back safely in charming Paris again - now we feel thankful that we had the courage to undertake the trip. We feel we did a great work as Yonkel said - if we had never done anything only this tour of Poland at this time - we deserve Gilem Habeh! But he'll have to tell you about it! It's too much to get down on paper at one sitting-

Our plans now are to rest for a week then we're scheduled to do two concerts...
Courtesy of the American Jewish Historical Society.

A Letter from Molly Picon to her Mother from Paris, August 23, Part 3 of 3

A letter from Molly Picon to her mother from Paris, dated August 23.

Part 1 and part 2.
The text of the letter reads as follows:
....in the Sarah Bernhardt Theatre and I'm to dress in Bernhardt's dressing room and we'll either sail or fly home about the 17th of September -

After flying in Poland (about which we'll tell you at home) we feel we can fly even in a -------.

I hope you got my letter about the painting of the apartment and if you can get it done before we get home we'd appreciate it - because we'll have lots to do when we get in - especially the first few weeks.

We're both feeling fine - a little tired physically but very good spiritually after the job we did in Poland we were happy to hear all is well and normal at home. After what we've seen and heard your letters sound as if they come from another world!

That's all for to-day - we're still not quite used to the glamour and light of Paris - so we want to get out and walk in the brightly lit streets and see people smiling again.

Love to all at home - and mama - now you can be proud of your children! We were the first and the only ones that had the courage and the spirit to do what we did in Poland!!

Love and again we'll soon be home - Write to American Express.

Mollie and Yonkel


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Jewish Women's Archive. "A Letter from Molly Picon to her Mother from Paris, August 23." (Viewed on March 12, 2025) <http://qa.jwa.org/media/letter-from-molly-picon-to-her-mother-from-paris-august-23>.