
Phyllis Goldstein was the senior writer for curriculum at Facing History and Ourselves for over 20 years. She has authored, edited, and managed the production of curricular materials in history and social studies for major publishers. Currently, she spends her time tutoring and consulting. Phyllis provided editorial oversight for the Soviet Jewry Project.

Aaron Hersh is a junior at Brandeis University, majoring in American Studies and minoring in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies. Originally from New York, he grew up active at Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York City, serving on the temple youth group board. Aaron currently teaches religious school at Temple Isaiah, in Lexington, Massachusetts, is a t’filah (worship service) coordinator at BaRuch: The Brandeis Reform Chavurah and worked for three summers as a counselor and song leader at URJ Eisner Camp. From his extensive Jewish journey, Aaron has found a passion for Judaism, and hopes to take up a career as a Jewish educator, program director, camp director, or even as a rabbi or cantor.

Alexandra Kiosse attends Binghamton University in upstate New York, where she studies philosophy, politics, and law in hopes of attending law school after college. During the summer of 2014, Alexandra completed leadership and debate training at the Bella Abzug Leadership Institute (BALI), which elevated her interest in social justice and women's history. She was an Oral History intern working on collecting stories about the Soviet Jewry movement during the summer of 2016. When she isn't at school or working, she enjoys playing volleyball and reading the latest novels.

Dalia Krusner is a graduate student at Brandeis University, pursuing an MA in Jewish Professional Leadership and an MBA in Non-Profit Management. Originally from Toronto, Ontario, Dalia graduated with High Distinction from the Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice Studies at the University of Toronto. She grew up in the youth movement Hashomer Hatzair, and attended its summer camp in Ontario, Camp Shomria, for 15 years. Her involvement at camp gave her a strong foundation in Jewish experiential education, which she transferred to her position as Youth Leadership Manager at Ve’ahavta, a Jewish charitable social service organization. In recent years, Dalia has combined her background in Conflict Studies with her love of camp as Director of Heart to Heart, a program that brings Jewish and Arab Israeli teens to Camp Shomria every summer for dialogue programming. Dalia is also proud to be an award recipient of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship / Davidson Scholars Program.

Rose Levenson is currently a student in the Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program at Brandeis University (MA/MBA).  She recently graduated from Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Massachusetts with a BA in Psychology and Education. Through a process of self-directed learning and exposure to progressive education, Rose found the bridge between her academic work and her passion: overnight Jewish summer camp. After the Hornstein Program, Rose hopes to work in the Jewish camp setting full-time, bringing a dream come to fruition.

Jacob Markey is a graduate student at Brandeis University, pursuing an MA in Jewish Professional Leadership and a Master’s in Public Policy. Originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, he received his undergraduate degree in political science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Over the last few years, his journey has taken him to a wide array of places. He spent ten months in Israel as a volunteer in the Otzma program, and was previously the Coordinator for Israel Engagement at the Hillel at Brandeis. Most recently, he worked for the Union for Reform Judaism as the Marketing and Communications Coordinator for the NFTY-EIE High School in Israel.

Tamar Shachaf Schneider is a dual MA student in the Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program and in the Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis University. Originally from Tel Aviv, Israel Tamar received her BA in Political Science and Communications from Tel Aviv University. Tamar is looking forward to pursuing her dream and work in the fields of Jewish and Israel Education.

Gabriel Weinstein is an MA student in the Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis University. He received a BSJ in Journalism from Ohio University, where he was a Jeanette Grasselli-Brown Cutler Scholar. After completing his undergraduate degree, he worked at newspapers in northern New Mexico and won awards from the New Mexico Press Association for his coverage of sports, the environment, education and public housing.

Georgia Westbrook is a senior at Binghamton University, pursuing a degree in art history with a minor in classical civilization. She is the Arts & Culture editor for Pipe Dream, the university's student-run newspaper and a DJ for WHRW, the campus radio station. Georgia previously interned at JWA in the summer of 2016, during which she worked on the Soviet Jewry oral history collection. Since then, she has continued to build her interests in digital archives, oral histories, and making history engaging and accessible.


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Jewish Women's Archive. "Credits." (Viewed on March 3, 2025) <>.