Steph Black

Stephanie Black Headshot

Steph Black is a Jewish activist and writer based in DC, where she fights to expand abortion access and reproductive justice. She writes newsletters, funds abortion, clinic escorts. Read her writing, follow her work, and subscribe at her website, All typos in her work can be attributed to her cat, Goose.

Blog Posts

Two women wearing "I voted" stickers

Casting a Vote for Reproductive Justice

Steph Black

In the upcoming midterm elections, Jews have the chance to affirm that access to safe, legal abortion is a Jewish value.

Close up of hands holding Miriam's Cup

A New Year Ritual for Reproductive Justice

Steph Black

I created this handwashing ritual to ground us and to prepare us for the abortion rights fight that lies ahead. 

Two women stand at a booth with a sign that says "Abortion Pills"

This Tisha B’Av, I’m Mourning the Loss of Reproductive Rights

Steph Black

This year, I’ll use the holiday centered on mourning to process my grief for all we’ve lost.

A uterus superimposed over images of Hanukkah items

Hanukkah Blessings for Reproductive Justice

Steph Black

Activist Steph Black offers eight blessings for reproductive justice, one for each night of Hanukkah.

Tree Silhouette

Tu B'Shevat in The Age of Ecofeminism

Steph Black

How are you celebrating Tu B'Shevat in 2020 as the threat of climate change looms?

Topics: Activism, Tu B'Shvat
Christine Blasey Ford

One Year Later

Steph Black

One year after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's testimony to Congress, in light of the High Holidays, what have we learned?

Stock Photo of Water

Mikveh and Water Justice

Steph Black

I am a mikveh guide. And I am an ecofeminist.

Hanna Weinberg

Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Shalom Bayit

Steph Black

For too long some Jews have held onto the belief that abuse “just doesn’t happen” in the Jewish community. We, as Jews, are “better than that.” Nice Jewish boys don’t abuse anyone. But unfortunately, many of us know that this simply isn’t the case.


The Global Value of Peace in the Home

Steph Black

Shalom bayit is the Jewish concept of peace in the home. It refers to the domestic harmony that comes with a solid partnership between spouses. When we work against domestic violence and spousal abuse, we uphold this Jewish value. And when our government turns away asylum seekers fleeing domestic violence, it violates a core Jewish tenet.

Cropped Image of Emily Raskin and her 5 year old daughter Hannah Roan Raskin

Your Jewish Feminist Protest Toolkit

Steph Black

We Jewish women are no strangers to protest or dissent. We’re loud. We’re opinionated. And we mobilize. Did you forget sunscreen at your last rally? Failed to create a quippy poster that captured your rage when you marched for gun rights? If you find yourself anxious to make change but unsure about what to bring, we've got you covered.

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Jewish Women's Archive. "Steph Black." (Viewed on March 19, 2025) <>.