Paige Harouse

Paige Harouse

Paige Harouse studied religion and conflict in Washington, DC, with dual focuses on Europe and the Middle East. After graduation, she spent a year working at a Holocaust and WWII Memorial in Berlin and exploring the city’s Jewish history (and present!). She also works as a freelance writer, primarily addressing topics relating to the many intersections amongst German-Jewish history, German memorial culture, and Jewish texts. She lives in Berlin with her ever-growing collection of books. 

Blog Posts

Lulav and etrog

Inviting Ushpizot into Your Sukkah Is One Tradition You Won't Have to Skip This Year

Paige Harouse

On Sukkot, we traditionally invite guests into our sukkahs. How can we fulfill this ritual during a pandemic?

Topics: Sukkot
Reichstag building

Commemorating Tisha B’Av in Berlin

Paige Harouse

For Berlin Jews, Tisha B’Av means reconciling the city's brutal past with its hopeful present.

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How to cite this page

Jewish Women's Archive. "Paige Harouse." (Viewed on March 19, 2025) <>.