As an “older”, now 75 year old, Sivananda trained and active yoga teacher, I was so glad to read about Ruby Blue, Swami Neeladevansnda’s inspiring life. Her remarkable biography was passed on to me by a new student who trained under Ruby in Palm Beach, and was in search of a Sivananda teacher. Ruby certainly left the planet a better place. As Master Sivananda said, Health is wealth. Peace of mind is happiness. Yoga shows the way.“
As an “older”, now 75 year old, Sivananda trained and active yoga teacher, I was so glad to read about Ruby Blue, Swami Neeladevansnda’s inspiring life. Her remarkable biography was passed on to me by a new student who trained under Ruby in Palm Beach, and was in search of a Sivananda teacher. Ruby certainly left the planet a better place. As Master Sivananda said, Health is wealth. Peace of mind is happiness. Yoga shows the way.“