I think you'll find that Judy Chicago is aware of and has promoted many women's work over the years in many venues. One good example is the recent documentary, "Women Art Revolution" (http://womenartrevolution.com/... by Lynn Hershman Leeson that includes a lot of footage with Chicago about the work she was doing, especially in the '70s and '80s and including "Dinner Party." Hershman also has site for uploads of new art: RAWWAR.org
There is also a new documentary being developed here in Boston around the occupation/creation of the Women's Building on Memorial Drive. And, of course, JWA would like to help where it can. Those collectives do need to be remembered (and in many cases, we need them again).
In reply to <p>This monumental work was by Harriet Jerush…
I think you'll find that Judy Chicago is aware of and has promoted many women's work over the years in many venues. One good example is the recent documentary, "Women Art Revolution" (http://womenartrevolution.com/... by Lynn Hershman Leeson that includes a lot of footage with Chicago about the work she was doing, especially in the '70s and '80s and including "Dinner Party." Hershman also has site for uploads of new art: RAWWAR.org
There is also a new documentary being developed here in Boston around the occupation/creation of the Women's Building on Memorial Drive. And, of course, JWA would like to help where it can. Those collectives do need to be remembered (and in many cases, we need them again).