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This is very interesting because it was traditional for women in many Jewish communities to celebrate Rosh Chodesh in general and not do mundane work on Rosh Chodesh because did not participate in the Sin of the Golden Calf and were therefore given Rosh Chodesh as a gift. Here, they're celebrating Rosh Chodesh (Tevet) and Chanukah at the same times recognizing the women who played significant roles in the miracle of Chanuakah such as Hannah who allowed her 7 sons to be killed in order not to bow down to idols, Yehudit who killed Holofernes and the daughter of Matisyahu who ripped her clothing in front of the Jewish men in order to arouse them to stop the odious custom of the Greeks who would violate every women on her wedding day before she could be with her husband. So celebrating Rosh Chodesh Tevet and Chanukah together makes so much sense historically. I just want to know when this minhag/custom actually started.

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