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Well said! I'm not the only one who thinks midge is self absorbed and has a victim mentality. She says how another man ruined her life. When it was Shy that offered her opener for his tour. She betrayed his trust and basically outed him when he's worked his whole life trying to make it work out. Shy didn't owe Midge anything. She acts entitled to be on tour. She has no accountability or self awareness that what she did was way bigger than what she thinks. Clearly bigger than this show is willing to show. The reality is the 1960s was an extremely dangerous world for a gay black man. She could have gotten Shy killed. Gay black men have been killed over less. Yet she has the audacity to blame Shy. When really she needs a good long look at the mirror and realize that she's not perfect. Yet the writers of the show basically make her a Mary Sue for sake of bad feminism. The white, rich, cis and heteronormative brand of feminism that is borderline terf ideology. The writing just screams cis and heteronormative behavior. Bringing in characters from the LGBTQ, but with no real depth. Even Midges manager Susie is likely apart of the LGBTQ, but with no real explanation. Just a bunch of people misgendering her. If you are going to throw LGBTQ characters in the show you've got to get representation down, and this show lacks that in every sense of the word. It seems they only throw in characters like that for sake of diversity without actually going into a conversation or message about it. Maisel just misses the mark and now I find Midge to be completely unlikable. It's really a shame, because the possibility of a real discussion about how Midge is a white rich cis and heteronormative character and has privilege and that her actions were a real threat to a gay black man.

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