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I loved the first and some of the second season. Through the third and now the fourth, Im not thrilled. I had a conversation with my aunt about how, IMHO, this is is a show stereotyping Jews as Upper Middle class citizens or higher and doesn't actually tell honest Jewish voices. My aunts argument, at least we have a show that is strongly breathing Judaism. I mean, thats partially true. I grew up in a lower middle class family, but we would get Black & Whites (vanilla, not lemon), chocolate babka, for Shabbat... we would also get excited about getting the Rabbi for our pesach seder. Let's not even mention the Kosher sink. Now, I love Amy SP... much like the author, GG is my favorite show, but though Amy grew up "Jew-ish" as she had mentioned in interviews, but she mainly grew up Catholic. Now, a Jew is a Jew is a Jew depending on how you feel about maternity vs paternity, but can there be an honest portrayal of Judaism if it seems to be a partial view? That was a bit of a rant. My apologies. I just really appreciate this article.

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