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I am SO disappointed in the 4th season so far. Midge's refusal to acknowledge Any responsibility for her being fired, and for the pain she caused Shy, have made me angrier than even she is. Joel and Mei have shown not an iota of affection, Ilsa is a tragic figure, and it's just not any fun anymore.
I can't imagine the creative disruption that Covid caused in the ensemble and for the writers, but it is so harsh and brittle now. Shaloub, whom I've adored since Wings, is now a characature instead of a character.
I'm in a nursinghome, and have been mostly homeless for 5 years. This season of Maisel is one of the very few things I've looked forward to. I'll probably watch a few more episodes in desperate hope that the show will correct course, but it may be too painful. The whole tenor so far is Anger, and it hurts.
I'm 70, Jewish, multiply disabled. I have no empathic boundaries. Pretty much bluedawg liberal Democrat all my life. I love Old Broadway, folk music, and standup comedy, and have studied the histories of all these. The accurate portrayal of the clubs where Folk and standup grew up together is so good I could Almost forgive the rest. Almost. If it doesn't turn around I'll give up on it cos I Have enough pain and disappointment IRL🤷🏻‍♀️
Thanks again for opening this up!

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