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Firstly, this was really inspiring. I am a Jewish woman. I was raised in a modern family, however, one that is practicing. When I first started to date my boyfriend of 2.5 years, I felt a lot of external and internal conflict. I thought I was wrong, and certain family members definitely thought I was doing something wrong.

With time and many moments of panic (in which I questioned and doubted our relationship), I found immense joy in embracing both religions and picturing a future in which both are equally present and celebrated. I have spent so many time listening to the music, learning phrases in his family's language of origin, learned about the food, etc.

While the idea of an interfaith relationship may feel incredibly inappropriate, distasteful and sinful to others, there is also an extreme beauty in it. It is also becoming reality, more and more.

I understand why many people feel as thought it's wrong and don't support it. I was one of those people too. However, in a world that is very lonely, isolating and upsetting, don't we all deserve to be happy within our relationships? Being with the people who make us feel most loved?

Religion is important. I value it very much. But, being in an interfaith relationship does not discredit or invalidate anyone else's faith. No one is less of a Jew, Christian, Muslim or whatever, because they are with someone of a different faith.

May peace be upon everyone <3.

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