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Thank you for sharing your story.

May Go-d Almighty bless you so you'll see revealed success in all matters, physically and spiritually.

You've mentioned that you would recite the Ve’ahavta prayer daily and that now you've opted to do meditation and yoga instead.

If it's ok to share my opinion with you which I hope would be helpful, then I would recommend the following:

Return to the Ve’ahavta daily prayer and COMBINE it with the meditation and Yoga.

There is so much what to mediate on the Ve’ahavta prayer. The Ve'ahavta prayer is actually a continuation of the Shema prayer. Just to have a general base for meditation on the shema/Ve'ahavta prayer, I would recommend you to watch this following clip and try to mediate upon this info when you repeat this prayer. It may take a lot of effort and time to have it internalized, but it's absolutely a worthwhile endeavor.

Here's the link https://youtu.be/ggsyvkuCxns

When you're ready for the next step, there's so much more tho this seemingly simple prayer. They are many other lessons and classes that would give you even more insight once you've mastered the lesson from the video attached.

May Go-d Almighty help you and be with you at all times.

Maybe there be peace upon the world.

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