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I recently discovered I am 47% Ashkenazi Jew, from my dad side from my DNA. I knew I was Jewish from him but not the details because I wasn’t raised Jewish, he left when I was 2. My mother‘s mother was a professional astrologer I also did not know. But I’ve been a student of Astrology my whole life. I’m 76 now. My point is that I’ve only discovered more about the Jewish part until recently. I did study Jewish astrology and it was spot on even more than “regular “Astrology. So you knew a lot more about the Jewish part and you discovered Astrology later, kind of the opposite of me. I’m just learning about the Jewish part and I want to go back to studying Kabbala Astrology. Thank you for an elucidating article! You are quite the writer. I have to acquaint myself with Lilith more. And just for historical records, which we Jews are so famous for, and rightly so. I am Taurus with Scorpio moon, Capricorn rising near the cusp of Aquarius intercepted by Aquarius, with stellium in gemini

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