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In reply to by Karen Walz

My name is not Karen, but I agree with you. One might ask this author, "What about the Allisons?" Karen is also a common Jewish name ...

I think everyone should be disgusted at this use of a personal name - people complain. Men complain lots too, and regardless of color and culture. Much of this complaining is perhaps warranted. We have a right to our opinions, and most of us aren’t shy about stating them. Everyone has their own way of complaining, and generally none of it is appealing to listen to.

For most "garden-variety" serial complainers, I think we should just stick with "loudmouth", "complainer", or some similar terms, without further causing distress and alienating members of society by using personal names.

On a more serious note, I do appreciate the issues that this article has highlighted - the larger context - we must all do much better in terms of Our Humanity. To complain by ab/using race or other hateful stereotypes, or using one's societal "preferred status" to unfairly elevate oneself, or to keep others down, is disgraceful, as this author has addressed.

Unfortunately, my experiences are even more uncomfortably horrid than Ms. Abrams discusses. I was vilely threatened at my job at a powerful university and medical school where I had reported cancer data manipulations in violation of State law. When my boss threatened me, he said that I had, “complained about a lot of people”. I was fired, after 12 years, a good evaluation, and an approximately $10000 raise, within two weeks after I reported this threat in that evaluation response.

Further revoltingly, Jews (and non-Jews) have been involved in perpetrating this vileness – much worse than I am stating here, or that anyone would imagine is occurring. It is hubris, arrogance, and yes, an evil that Jews, especially, should revolt against. Unbelievably, some Jews take issue with me voicing concerns regarding this institution (although others are appalled at them). Please go to my website, ourconstitution.info. This rise of medical-military extrajudicial terror is what WE SHOULD ALL be protesting - it is non-biased treachery, and anyone - race, religion, profession, etc., disliked, perceived as a "threat", etc. is targeted. Retaliation may be against them directly or someone they know. Harm includes high-level lethality - deaths appear as natural or at best unknown, and occur in and outside (restaurants, etc.) of medical facilities, via chemicals, biologics, carcinogens, etc.

When we have these highest levels of power accountable, and brought to constitutionality, with proper checks and balances, we will have gone a long way towards decency for people of color, and for all of us.

We should all be demanding accountability and justice. We should demand protections for patients, students, and everyone.

We should all complain mightily and demand reform and oversight, and that Eisenhower’s and Truman’s warnings are heeded, NOW.

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