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You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear.

Ruth and Naomi were not “queer” and were not intimate. They were mother-in-law and daughter-in-law whose devotion to each other is heart-warming but it was in no sexual

Nowhere in the entirety of the Bible is a same-sex relationship explicitly praised. Indeed, they are always condemned. The only ones noted as praiseworthy are those between a man and woman in holy matrimony.

Those who desire to find same-sex behavior in the Bible are forced to use “could mean”, “might be” or any other assumption. The total lack of other supporting scriptures to back up the argument about Naomi and Ruth is a big red flag.

They try to twist scriptures to conform to or support their way of life instead of conforming their way of life
to the Bible. Don’t buy into this twisted explanation. Do your own research.

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