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I found the microaggressions to be particularly painful in the film. While I liked the premise, the notion, as you explained that a Jewish guy in 2019 wouldn't know what anything was relating to Christmas was just beyond me... Secret Santa? Come on now...

People don't really recognize microaggressions off the bat, they just sit a bit uneasy and we all just grin and bear them... that's may well be what a lot of us experience around the holidays but should it be?

I'm neither Jewish, nor Christian but was born into a Christian family and a Jewish community... I would have hoped our society would have been ready for few steps above this by now...

Also, the ending bothered me because she took his idea, gave him no credit, and he was happy about it! The whole story of her prototype felt rushed and extremely contrived..

Anyway... for whatever 2 cents may be worth!

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