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Dear Emma,

Thanks for your poetic and powerful essay, including important information about the place of naturally occurring seaweed and how its overabundance is killing off the last of the surviving marine life....I hope you follow this article up with listing the groups you work with and fundraise for that heal the ocean. True Jews understand that Knowledge Is Power and Responsibility, and that we are given mitzvoth from God to steward the Earth responsibly.

I work to protect and restore our last 4% of Ancient, Pristine Redwood Forest on the Pacific Northwest by starting a Music Production Co. whose purpose is to enact TIKKUN OLAM by producing Inspiring Music and fundraising for Save the Redwoods League. Forests drive the Water/Air cycle for Planet Earth. Ancient, pristine Redwood Forest sequesters the most carbon and produces the most oxygen.

Please stay in touch with me. If you write, I will send you an original song, "SEQUOIA," which has the voices of our last birds, our last squirrels, wind and waves flowing through streams of Music. And you can find out about the Concerts for the Forest, an ongoing series of events that can and will Heal the World. It is possible for you to be a Visionary Speaker at one of the events.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and learning more about what you are doing to restore the ocean to the original state God gave it to us. The miracle of Life on Earth is that anything is possible, anytime, anywhere and that we become what we contemplate and act upon.

Shalom. May Peace, Love, Courage and Common Sense prevail,

Loriel Golden
Concerts for the Forest
(707) 861~3797


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