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Thank you for linking the Alana Newhouse article whose most germaine paragraph is

"People who argue that powerful people who consort with anti-Semites don’t mean it, or can’t be held responsible for their actions or alliances, are not our friends—whether they claim to represent the right or the left. They are the friends of people who want to kill us. Those who argue—from the right or the left—that anti-Semitism should be tolerated as part of a larger struggle against some much bigger force of darkness, those people are arguing for the tolerance of anti-Semitism, against the interests of our community. They are encouraging anti-Semites, some of whom, like Robert Bowers, will inevitably kill us." 

It is appropriate that #5 begins "In theory, ..." In practice Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Caty Stanton expressed their opposition to the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in vile, racist language.


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