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In reply to by David A. Guberman

Hi David,

I agree with much of what you posted, except for the demand by some that we accept an arrogant, self-righteous stance from others that NOT repudiating Farrakhan is ok because we all care about women’s lives and women’s freedom/. Would we support a gay rights activist who hated Blacks?? This is absurd. This mental gymnastics is exhausting, dishonest and inherently racist. The fact that this is being turned into a whites trying to control others (or really a Jews trying to control others) smacks of the Jew hatred that these folks will just not repudiate. I also don’t think in this current day, you can say you are for Jewish civil rights when you have spent the overwhelming amount of your political action trying to decimate the only Jewish state. The silence about 500,000 Syrians murdered is, well, deafening

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