Thought provoking post Aviva. Many abused children turn things around and blame themselves. Your post about self acceptance and self forgiveness is spot on for those people. In my mind I took things further, as in, what if people performed teshuva for themselves instead of the abuser? My mother was a Jewish girl who was sexually abused by a neighbor. We discussed it but never from a religious point of view. I do know that there were things surrounding the abuse that she had to forgive her 8 year old self for. I’m sorry that you went through this Aviva. Sometimes healing takes a lifetime.
Thought provoking post Aviva. Many abused children turn things around and blame themselves. Your post about self acceptance and self forgiveness is spot on for those people. In my mind I took things further, as in, what if people performed teshuva for themselves instead of the abuser? My mother was a Jewish girl who was sexually abused by a neighbor. We discussed it but never from a religious point of view. I do know that there were things surrounding the abuse that she had to forgive her 8 year old self for. I’m sorry that you went through this Aviva. Sometimes healing takes a lifetime.