Dorit, I am so proud of what you wrote and how you expressed your feeling towards Judiasm. I have had the same experience. My mother was not raised Jewish but married a Jewish man and choose to imbrance the Jewish religion for her children. I always thought of myself as Jewish never thinking that my mother was anything else but Jewish. Xmas was the best time of the year for my family too. My dad and all his brothers and sisters came to our home to celebrate with us and all my friends since they didn't have a xmas tree loved to come over to help decorate it.
So like you I take my interfaith identity and since my Mother's passing have learned to appreicate what she did for her children but not to forget that she was raised in another religion and that my children and grandchildren have a little of her in them too.
Dorit, I am so proud of what you wrote and how you expressed your feeling towards Judiasm. I have had the same experience. My mother was not raised Jewish but married a Jewish man and choose to imbrance the Jewish religion for her children. I always thought of myself as Jewish never thinking that my mother was anything else but Jewish. Xmas was the best time of the year for my family too. My dad and all his brothers and sisters came to our home to celebrate with us and all my friends since they didn't have a xmas tree loved to come over to help decorate it.
So like you I take my interfaith identity and since my Mother's passing have learned to appreicate what she did for her children but not to forget that she was raised in another religion and that my children and grandchildren have a little of her in them too.
Merry Merry and Happy Holidays
Judie Fenton