All my women's seders focus on the story and the women in the story, and then each glass of wine focuses on a different set of women, ancient, modern history, current and then those who passed this past year--scientists, teachers, social activists, artists, etc. It is a time to learn more for us to share in our family Seders, including information about human trafficking! It is also a time to practice prayers that do not use the masculine to always refer to the Creator.
All my women's seders focus on the story and the women in the story, and then each glass of wine focuses on a different set of women, ancient, modern history, current and then those who passed this past year--scientists, teachers, social activists, artists, etc. It is a time to learn more for us to share in our family Seders, including information about human trafficking! It is also a time to practice prayers that do not use the masculine to always refer to the Creator.