First of all, she was a woman born in 1914; of course she needed the help of a man to get that equipment. Most people were so ignorant; they didn't eve let a woman TRY and do something other than clean, cook and nurture. There are still some people like you that are living proof of my statement; even though we have come a long way since then, I think it's pretty clear there is still some rom for improvement.
In reply to Sounds to me that she was… by Hans kruiderink
First of all, she was a woman born in 1914; of course she needed the help of a man to get that equipment. Most people were so ignorant; they didn't eve let a woman TRY and do something other than clean, cook and nurture. There are still some people like you that are living proof of my statement; even though we have come a long way since then, I think it's pretty clear there is still some rom for improvement.