It wasn't a request, it was a command. God doesn't ask us to please do something; he demands obedience from us and will give us the spirit to obey his call. Isaac willingly gave himself up as a sacrifice in obedience to God and to his father. Sarah did die of a sort of shock believing Abraham sacrificed her son. She was a prophet as well and God did in fact inform her of the "intended" sacrifice of her son. Nothing was hidden, even if it went "unspoken" in words that people typically would think. Sarah did in fact know something was planned. God talked to Sarah as much as Abraham if not more. She said she would rather give herself up as a sacrifice instead obviously. God was merciful enough to take her life first so she would never have to mourn Abraham or Isaac. She had a heart attack at the hand of God as everyone dies through God's hand. She died with a smile on her face, now raised to a new life thank God! Sarah was also deemed righteous trusting whole heartedly in God's plan and faithfulness. It was also a test of Isaac's faith and obedience to God's will, which of course he passed because he's my son. Thank you for your input though Miss Sharon.
It wasn't a request, it was a command. God doesn't ask us to please do something; he demands obedience from us and will give us the spirit to obey his call. Isaac willingly gave himself up as a sacrifice in obedience to God and to his father. Sarah did die of a sort of shock believing Abraham sacrificed her son. She was a prophet as well and God did in fact inform her of the "intended" sacrifice of her son. Nothing was hidden, even if it went "unspoken" in words that people typically would think. Sarah did in fact know something was planned. God talked to Sarah as much as Abraham if not more. She said she would rather give herself up as a sacrifice instead obviously. God was merciful enough to take her life first so she would never have to mourn Abraham or Isaac. She had a heart attack at the hand of God as everyone dies through God's hand. She died with a smile on her face, now raised to a new life thank God! Sarah was also deemed righteous trusting whole heartedly in God's plan and faithfulness. It was also a test of Isaac's faith and obedience to God's will, which of course he passed because he's my son. Thank you for your input though Miss Sharon.