I dig the way you think: "Why is it that an ever increasing amount of men are willing to identify as feminists, yet so many women shy away from even using the word?"-- Love that. Great question. I want to see it explored.
Jillian, would you be interested in writing a guest blog piece on that topic? (And feel free to include your observations of academia, i.e. women playing small so as not to seem "overly aggressive.")
I sent you a FB message with some more deets. Let me know where you stand.
I rock. I roll. We should jam!
I dig the way you think: "Why is it that an ever increasing amount of men are willing to identify as feminists, yet so many women shy away from even using the word?"-- Love that. Great question. I want to see it explored.
Jillian, would you be interested in writing a guest blog piece on that topic? (And feel free to include your observations of academia, i.e. women playing small so as not to seem "overly aggressive.")
I sent you a FB message with some more deets. Let me know where you stand.
Best, g