As someone who tries to live with intention, it's difficult for me to think about not thinking. But the truth is, when we are alone we drop the veil. Often we lose our intentional focus and "just be". And we are different when we're not being watched, when we're not watching ourselves.

This is a fascinating discussion using quantum physics and wave-particle duality to examine what really is a social psychology question. We have seen, time and again, that when people don't feel they're being watched their behavior is different. And the same with us when we are not intentional or mindful of our being. It explains why we can eat an entire bag of chips while watching TV and not even know it - having no recollection of the taste or texture or feeling.

We behave differently in difference environments, just like many particles do. Because the pressure, light, temperature and energy affects us just as it does the tiny parts that are intrinsic in our DNA.

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