Tova's idea of intellectual and scholarly sensitivity was my experience. Mine was stuck in the chronic persecution that he suffered in Europe, sexual ambivalence and grief he was not one of the persecutors. He was buried under an avalanche of ill will, not only from society at large, but from his own children, yet he persisted in a lovely, wrapt interest in what made the world tick, what made it beautiful. and learned until the last day of his life. (I was with him.)
In reply to <p>I think there's a negative by Tova
Tova's idea of intellectual and scholarly sensitivity was my experience. Mine was stuck in the chronic persecution that he suffered in Europe, sexual ambivalence and grief he was not one of the persecutors. He was buried under an avalanche of ill will, not only from society at large, but from his own children, yet he persisted in a lovely, wrapt interest in what made the world tick, what made it beautiful. and learned until the last day of his life. (I was with him.)