Hello , I am a retired VA PRIMARY MENTAL HEALTH PROViDER for VA in USA.
I was a USARMY NURSE employed in Japan and Okinawa during the Vietnam War..I susequently worked in Boston @ Harvard & Tufts Teaching Hospitals on return to USA.
I heard you often on NPR and thought you had great presence and skill in your interviews. We are are close in age I am only a few months younger. I am working on a tragic event where an elderly friend has been imprisoned in a frauduent guardianship orchestrated by her local hospital. She has been deprived of her liberty, control of her Person and Estate by local legal and illegitimate fraudulent guardianship personnel..
It has been a long time, I don't think you can help. If you think you can my e-mail is "catgalg@gmail.com" phone # 509-301-8173.
Hello , I am a retired VA PRIMARY MENTAL HEALTH PROViDER for VA in USA.
I was a USARMY NURSE employed in Japan and Okinawa during the Vietnam War..I susequently worked in Boston @ Harvard & Tufts Teaching Hospitals on return to USA.
I heard you often on NPR and thought you had great presence and skill in your interviews. We are are close in age I am only a few months younger. I am working on a tragic event where an elderly friend has been imprisoned in a frauduent guardianship orchestrated by her local hospital. She has been deprived of her liberty, control of her Person and Estate by local legal and illegitimate fraudulent guardianship personnel..
It has been a long time, I don't think you can help. If you think you can my e-mail is "catgalg@gmail.com" phone # 509-301-8173.
Thanks, Hope you are well, Catherine