Irina Severin12 years ago Thank you, Mendy. I found you via your statement on how TM changed your creativity. I feel very close to your work. You, as a being and as an artist are inspiring me. I am a half jewish woman born in Hamburg, raised in Lugano, immigrated to QuÌÄå©bec, Canada in 2005. I am a painter as you are - expressing my inner feelings. Now for almost 40 years. I lost my youngest son in 2006 and I overcame my grief by being drawn into painting again. But completely changed: an explosion of colors! I see it as gift from my beloved son. I wish you a wonderful, creative time. AmitiÌÄå©, Irina Reply You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Your name Comment About text formats Plain text No HTML tags allowed. Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically. Lines and paragraphs break automatically.
Thank you, Mendy.
I found you via your statement on how TM changed your creativity.
I feel very close to your work. You, as a being and as an artist are inspiring me.
I am a half jewish woman born in Hamburg, raised in Lugano, immigrated to QuÌÄå©bec, Canada in 2005. I am a painter as you are - expressing my inner feelings. Now for almost 40 years.
I lost my youngest son in 2006 and I overcame my grief by being drawn into painting again. But completely changed: an explosion of colors! I see it as gift from my beloved son.
I wish you a wonderful, creative time. AmitiÌÄå©,