Am still at a loss as to how Adrienne could just - could just not be here. The few times we shared a stage and I was hesitant to sing in Yiddish intead of just my usual Judeo-Spanish, Adrienne said, of course, sing the Yiddish version - it'll be great.I first met Adrienne at KlezKamp in '88, and, although I kept learning from her whenever possible, most of what I now know in Yiddish was learned from her at those intense classes, when she just seemed able to go on singing and giving and encouraging indefinitely. Listening to the memorial, I heard Lisa say "my 'hobn' is perfect because of Adrienne. Me too. That inimitable combination of far-ranging ideas, and the soaring voice, and the smallest details - the hobn's - ...... miss you, Adrienne, always will.

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