There have been so many eloquent and heartfelt tributes to Adrienne. Though I am neither a singer nor musician, I have my personal memories of her. I remember the many Ashkenaz Festivals where she performed and was an inspiration and a mentor to so many. She was always there at the IAYC (International Association Of Yiddish Clubs) Conferences - heading the Arbeter Ring Evenings and helping us all envision the possibility of a "shenere un besere velt". And she was in Winnipeg as one of the 3 Yiddish Divas at the first Mameloshen Festival. So my tribute to Adrienne is a program of her music. My challenge was really which songs to choose. Some I picked for personal reasons - I remember her singing them with such expression and "gefeel" and "libshaft", some because I feel that in some way they represent what Adrienne was about and some because they are just wonderful Yiddish songs that people should hear. I always hesitate when I think of playing "A Gutn Ovnt Brayne" since it is so grim and graphic - but I get the sense that it was important to Adrienne for just that reason.

Playlist all by Adrienne Cooper

A Gutn Ovnt Brayne Dos Elnt Kind Der Komitetshik Sorele's Bas Mitzveh - with Mikveh Di Tsufunft A Gute Vokh Harbstlid Borsht Volt Ikh Gehat Koyakh - with Sarah Mina Gordon

Listen from archive File of Program

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