All those years ago when Sruli and I made our first CD... I had just a few more hours til we were due at the studio and I was nervous about my Yiddish pronunciation and phrasing on one of the songs. Adrienne offered to let me stop by her place--"We'll sing it together," she said. I didn't know her very well then, but I knew that if she gave me her blessing it was going to be-- blessed. I am a Yiddish singer today-- and I bet many other Yiddish singers say the same-- because of Adrienne Cooper.
All those years ago when Sruli and I made our first CD... I had just a few more hours til we were due at the studio and I was nervous about my Yiddish pronunciation and phrasing on one of the songs. Adrienne offered to let me stop by her place--"We'll sing it together," she said. I didn't know her very well then, but I knew that if she gave me her blessing it was going to be-- blessed. I am a Yiddish singer today-- and I bet many other Yiddish singers say the same-- because of Adrienne Cooper.