As a convert, I have watched similar conversations with interest. I am aware of the prohibition against mutilating the body, which appears to be somewhat redefinable based on the era we live in. For instance, I don't hear much being said about multiple piercings on the ear lobe, or in general, as compared to tattoos.
Certainly the Holocaust adds another dimension to the discussion of tattos. One thought I had was to have my hebrew name tattoed in orange on my forearm. Letters and names, identifying me, not objectifying me, in the color opposite blue on the colorwheel. To me, it seems the opposite of the intent and meaning of the blue numbers which my adopted tribe members were forced to endure.
As a convert, I have watched similar conversations with interest. I am aware of the prohibition against mutilating the body, which appears to be somewhat redefinable based on the era we live in. For instance, I don't hear much being said about multiple piercings on the ear lobe, or in general, as compared to tattoos.
Certainly the Holocaust adds another dimension to the discussion of tattos. One thought I had was to have my hebrew name tattoed in orange on my forearm. Letters and names, identifying me, not objectifying me, in the color opposite blue on the colorwheel. To me, it seems the opposite of the intent and meaning of the blue numbers which my adopted tribe members were forced to endure.