I love Feed Me Bubbe! She's everything my own Bubbe was in terms of traditional Jewish cooking, but with a lot more spunk and humor. The YouTube series that she has done with her grandson is very significant for many reasons. I mentioned her and included one of her episodes in a blog post I wrote about memoirs by Jewish women food writers/restauranteurs, highlighting about how all these works (including Feed Me Bubbe) are really more about preserving memories and culture than about the food and recipes themselves. Here's the link:http://truthpraiseandhelp.word...
I love Feed Me Bubbe! She's everything my own Bubbe was in terms of traditional Jewish cooking, but with a lot more spunk and humor. The YouTube series that she has done with her grandson is very significant for many reasons. I mentioned her and included one of her episodes in a blog post I wrote about memoirs by Jewish women food writers/restauranteurs, highlighting about how all these works (including Feed Me Bubbe) are really more about preserving memories and culture than about the food and recipes themselves. Here's the link:http://truthpraiseandhelp.word...