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As a person of mixed Jewish and non Jewish "blood", I know that the term "Jewess" in the past was often a negative, but today I see that as a term transforming Jewish women (at least some of them) into liberated sexual people who defy the more recent labeling of the "JAP -- Jewish American Princess" and get a little more "evil" and open minded under the covers as well as out and about, and are willing to role play and break free of other stereotypes. I know of women who use the term not as a perjorative but as a positive, much in the way Homosexuals use "Gay" and other previously detrimental terms, or the way blacks (I'm not so PC as to use the term "people of color", since everyone has a color -- can turn around the N word. Anyway, just my two cents. To me a jew-ish temptr-ess who seduces me right or wrong, well, is a Jewess! And I mean a super hot woman who is Jewish making someone cave in because she exudes raw sexuality and attitude. Anyway, I'm married now so I'm pulling out of this discussion.

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