Thanks for the Mazal Tov from Leah in Women We Love about my inclusion and that of 12 other women on the Forward 50 list. And thanks to Jane Eisner, Gabi Birkner and Devra Ferst for the strong stories on the gender gap in pay, in leadership and in compensation -- and brava to our Forward colleagues for drawing attention to the importance of policies that are good for women (and for everyone) around work, life, parental leave and flexibility.
Now, let's set a goal for next year -- to make sure that so many women in Jewish life become visible for their leadership in 2010 that the Forward 50 lists 50% women!
Write to the Forward and to every other journalist and blogger about the women you see making a difference in Jewish life and in the world. Shine the light on the women of influence in your life and in our community and in the world and next year we will be wishing Mazal Tov to many more wonderful women leaders.
Who's on your list? I have lots of (not yet Forward 50) heroines on mine!
Shifra Bronznick, Founder and President, Advancing Women Professionals and the Jewish Community
Thanks for the Mazal Tov from Leah in Women We Love about my inclusion and that of 12 other women on the Forward 50 list. And thanks to Jane Eisner, Gabi Birkner and Devra Ferst for the strong stories on the gender gap in pay, in leadership and in compensation -- and brava to our Forward colleagues for drawing attention to the importance of policies that are good for women (and for everyone) around work, life, parental leave and flexibility.
Now, let's set a goal for next year -- to make sure that so many women in Jewish life become visible for their leadership in 2010 that the Forward 50 lists 50% women!
Write to the Forward and to every other journalist and blogger about the women you see making a difference in Jewish life and in the world. Shine the light on the women of influence in your life and in our community and in the world and next year we will be wishing Mazal Tov to many more wonderful women leaders.
Who's on your list? I have lots of (not yet Forward 50) heroines on mine!
Shifra Bronznick, Founder and President, Advancing Women Professionals and the Jewish Community