You are absolutely correct to point out that Jews have served before World War II, and also to call attention to the Jewish women like Phoebe Yates Levy who served during the Civil War.
The point I was trying to make is that World War II was the first war in which there was a significant Jewish presence in the American military, as well as the first time a large enough number of Jewish women participated to constitute a significant presence. I did not mean to exclude veterans from earlier wars, but rather focus on World War II as a particularly important moment in Jewish American history.
Thank you for pointing out the service of Jewish veterans before World War II. They too deserve to be honored on Veteran's Day.
You are absolutely correct to point out that Jews have served before World War II, and also to call attention to the Jewish women like Phoebe Yates Levy who served during the Civil War.
The point I was trying to make is that World War II was the first war in which there was a significant Jewish presence in the American military, as well as the first time a large enough number of Jewish women participated to constitute a significant presence. I did not mean to exclude veterans from earlier wars, but rather focus on World War II as a particularly important moment in Jewish American history.
Thank you for pointing out the service of Jewish veterans before World War II. They too deserve to be honored on Veteran's Day.