Reading about Chris Rock's new film, I also reflected on my experience of having "Jewish hair". I have very wavy hair, and growing up in the 60s and 70s, I was very aware that I didn't look like most of my Catholic neighbors or like the idols or models of the time, including Farrah Fawcett. I spent a lot of time and energy trying to straighten my hair. Luckily, as I grew older, I learned to work with my hair, and now I have a hairstyle that suits the curliness. Also, I feel there isn't as much stigma attached to curly or "Jewish" hair these days. But it still is an issue - if you look on reality TV, most young women considered "hot" have straight, long hair - never going to be a reality to someone like me.
Reading about Chris Rock's new film, I also reflected on my experience of having "Jewish hair". I have very wavy hair, and growing up in the 60s and 70s, I was very aware that I didn't look like most of my Catholic neighbors or like the idols or models of the time, including Farrah Fawcett. I spent a lot of time and energy trying to straighten my hair. Luckily, as I grew older, I learned to work with my hair, and now I have a hairstyle that suits the curliness. Also, I feel there isn't as much stigma attached to curly or "Jewish" hair these days. But it still is an issue - if you look on reality TV, most young women considered "hot" have straight, long hair - never going to be a reality to someone like me.