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This article, although well intentioned and written by a woman with straight hair, classifies most Jewish women with curly hair. Jewish people are the wandering people of the earth and come from all places and therefore have every hair type. I myself am 50% Slavic Jewish. My roots lie in Lithuania (most of the Jews who were there during WWII were murdered by the Nazis) and I have hair straighter and finer than anybody you can find on this planet. Funny thing is my non-Jewish European mother has very curly hair. But the straight hair gene from my fathers Jewish side is quite strong. Nobody from this blood line can even hold a curl, even with all the mousse, curlers, hot round irons in the world!!! I remember crying to my mother as a child because I wanted waves and curls so bad!!! My hair is also very light brown which I highlight and looks light blonde and I'm extremely fair. I have the look of a waspy California girl and nobody would ever guess I was Jewish, but I love to tell people to prove stereotypes wrong. Jews come in all packages!!!

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