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I was looking up pictures of Jessica Hecht's natural hair because I'm into curls and sort of have them. I ran across a Glamour article before this that describes "Jewish hair" and it sounds like mine. It goes: "So, what does Jewish hair look like? I think Joshua Harmon put it best in his play Bad Jews, when he described Jewish hair as: 'Thick, intense, curly, frizzy, long brown hair. Hair that clogs a drain after one shower. Hair you find on pillows and in corners of the room and in your refrigerator six months after the head from which it grew last visited. Hair that could not be straightened even if you had four hours and three hairdressers double-fisting blow driers. Hair that screams: Jew.' ”
OK, that sounds like mine. But I'm not genetically Jewish, that I know of. I have a prominent nose but so does Bono who's Irish and given my profile and his, I could be his long-lost sister. I'm told my grandfathers on both sides--one Irish and the other British/Native American--had curly hair, the Irish one having ringlets. Genetics is interesting.

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