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My family is Jewish in both sides for as far back as recorded and I definitely have the frizzy, dark & curly hair. I hate the frizz and that’s the biggest gain out of straightening it is less frizz. I don’t have the Jewish nose and I’m fair in complexion. I struggle between whether or not I look jewish enough or if it’s such a good thing I don’t - hair excluded. My mom and brother are olive and I burn quick. I want to say the Jew fro was a bit of both. We did get the civil rights & voting rights acts of ‘64 passed, marched in Selma, dealt with similar neighborhood segregation’s but also unless you grow out jewish hair to length and let it weigh itself down the fro naturally occurs. My biggest qualm is when hairstylists don’t know how to cut it. My curly are not tight and I put it up immediately to achieve a wave. I get compliments on the thickness & volume but to me it’s a frizzy mess that retains moisture way too well.

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