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My father in law was full Ashkenazi and he had soft black curls and bright blue eyes but at least one of his brother's had tight frizzy hair. My husband has light brown hair and blue/gold eyes...i.e hazel blue, blue with a yellow circle round the Iris. I am mainly English and Welsh..90% DNA with the rest being Irish/Scots/Swedish and Norwegian. I have dark hair and green hazel eyes. I am the one with curls my husband's is straight. Of our four daughters, three have wavy hair one straight from dark to really blonde. They all have different coloured eyes, blue, green, hazel and grey. Grey eyes are very pale with tiny brown flecks and they are typically found in Eastern Europeans, she is also very tall with very blonde hair. I read that DNA tests put Ashkenazi Jews closest to Italians and that conversation to Judaism was fashionable at one time in Ancient Rome but I have also seen Ashkenazi photos where one or more of the families look lighter haired and Eastern European and of course neither the Italian DNA link or Eastern European features explain wiry hair. My eldest grandsons father is 6ft 8 inches tall with poker straight red hair and my grandson is tiny for his age with a mass of blonde bubbles for hair..he is curlier than anyone since his Ashkenazi great grandfather. Certainly there has to be some Middle Eastern/North African heritage to get that hair texture and when they talk about Rome..it was extremely multi cultural. All of Southern Europe has that hair texture within the population. Diversity is interesting.

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