I keep an archive of terms from different languages that I use in my writing of erotic fiction to make it more interesting and to lend some authenticity to the stories and dialog.
I never know where I will find a treasure trove of terms for various ethnicities and or cultures. I cried "eureka!" today on stumbling onto your commentary and related comments. I've just added a lot of interesting ones to my archive for use in future stories with Jewish characters. I appreciate the unintended help from you and the commenters.
I keep an archive of terms from different languages that I use in my writing of erotic fiction to make it more interesting and to lend some authenticity to the stories and dialog.
I never know where I will find a treasure trove of terms for various ethnicities and or cultures. I cried "eureka!" today on stumbling onto your commentary and related comments. I've just added a lot of interesting ones to my archive for use in future stories with Jewish characters. I appreciate the unintended help from you and the commenters.