my understanding is that HPV, a sexually transmitted virus, has been linked to ovarian cancer if the virus progresses. while we don't yet have a way to screen for ovarian cancer, a pap smear, if abnormal, may indicate that one has the virus and thus can begin to look into treatment to prevent it's progression. this is my base understanding but it may be important to note as an important precautionary measure for women to take. ~thanks for bringing our awareness to this~
my understanding is that HPV, a sexually transmitted virus, has been linked to ovarian cancer if the virus progresses. while we don't yet have a way to screen for ovarian cancer, a pap smear, if abnormal, may indicate that one has the virus and thus can begin to look into treatment to prevent it's progression. this is my base understanding but it may be important to note as an important precautionary measure for women to take. ~thanks for bringing our awareness to this~