Please note the weblog item below, by C. J. Minster, Program Chair on the US WILPF National Board, blog administrator, At Large member in Chicago, Youth Caucus member. The links cannot be found below, but if one goes to the website below, they will be visible/usable. The WILPF weblog, cited below, also has relevant information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
August 8, 2006 Petition for US Jews Sign the Petition for U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East
Below is the comment I left with my signature:
As a Jewish woman I find the actions of the US and Israeli governments unconscionable. I am the Program Chair of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section (WILPF US). WILPF has sections in Palestine, Lebanon, and Israel and the US Section has a national campaign - Women Challenge US Policy: Building Peace on Justice in the Middle East, which focuses on US policy regarding Israel / Palestine. It is not for me to decide whether a one state or two state solution is ultimately chosen. It is my duty as a US citizen to denounce US collusion in Israel's current war of aggression, murder of civilians and destruction of civil infrastructure in Lebanon and Gaza. Israel's war on its neighbors is also causing Israeli civilian deaths. It is past time for the US to stop its unconditional support of Israel.
Please note the weblog item below, by C. J. Minster, Program Chair on the US WILPF National Board, blog administrator, At Large member in Chicago, Youth Caucus member. The links cannot be found below, but if one goes to the website below, they will be visible/usable. The WILPF weblog, cited below, also has relevant information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
August 8, 2006 Petition for US Jews Sign the Petition for U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East
Below is the comment I left with my signature:
As a Jewish woman I find the actions of the US and Israeli governments unconscionable. I am the Program Chair of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section (WILPF US). WILPF has sections in Palestine, Lebanon, and Israel and the US Section has a national campaign - Women Challenge US Policy: Building Peace on Justice in the Middle East, which focuses on US policy regarding Israel / Palestine. It is not for me to decide whether a one state or two state solution is ultimately chosen. It is my duty as a US citizen to denounce US collusion in Israel's current war of aggression, murder of civilians and destruction of civil infrastructure in Lebanon and Gaza. Israel's war on its neighbors is also causing Israeli civilian deaths. It is past time for the US to stop its unconditional support of Israel.
WILPF US homepage
WILPF International homepage (includes updates from the region)